This week is our Green Week and we have three amazing events which I was hoping you could drop into the bulletin!
Tuesday - Griff Goes Global
- Griff Inn 5-7pm
In collaboration with student for global health, Sustain@BL are providing the topics for this weeks GGG. So head over to the Griff Inn for some friendly discussion about all things sustainability and health, as always talking points and pizza are provided!
Thursday - How Does Climate Change Affect Me?
- Milton LT 6-8pm
This free panel discussion will involve 6 speakers including QMUL lecturers, a local GP who has worked with MSF and the WHO and a lecturer from London School fo Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The first half will be a series of mini lectures from each speaker about their field of interest and the second half will be a Q&A with questions from the audience. There will also be a stall in the Garrod foyer from 5-6pm from a sustainability charity that provide education about and methods of sustainable living!
Saturday - Swap Shop
- Laird Hall 12-4pm
Everyone knows spring time means spring cleaning and what better place to start than your wardrobe! We have cleared out our clothes and brought them to Laird hall where you lucky people can bring or buy, swap or shop! Pop down on Saturday with either clothes to donate/swap or some cash to bag yourself a bargain. With items starting at £1.50 there’s no better way to spice up your wardrobe!