RAG Monopoly was the first event that I was hosting as the new BLSA RAG Officer, and to say I was mildly stressed would be a bit of an understatement.
From sending out event proposals, filling out risk assessments over and over again, navigating the intricacies of the ever changing COVID restrictions, and trying to understand the absolute MOUNTAIN of regulation surrounding charity law- not to mention the logistics of planning, organising, and hand designing a BLSA RAG Monopoly Board from scratch (including a currency design!), my September was almost entirely revolved around the success of this event. I had something to prove, and I wanted to show that the BL family was as giving and supportive of RAG as it has ever been.
This was not going to prove an easy feat, and I had a handful of hiccups along the way (or, y’know, I guess you could say a bucket load of them).
But, whilst this might give you a dreary outlook on the prognosis of this event, shockingly, it went off without a hitch and we did it- BL RAISED MONEY FOR CHARITY! Now, I can’t lie, it wasn’t an extortionate amount of money, but it was more than we started with, and I can only be proud of that.
I have to thank my truly brilliant RAG committee (no, seriously, they are the absolute best!) for helping me get through this event, along with my flatmates who had to deal with me at the peak of my stress-headedness (thanks for putting up with me M&Z).
We managed to raise a tidy sum of money for our RAG charities through this event – but even more than that – we are raising awareness for the most in need amongst us. The third sector has been one the most heavily hit groups during this pandemic, and it is a societal responsibility for all of us to support charity as much as possible.
I’m not asking you to make £50 donations on your own, but I can guarantee you know at least 4 other people. If you all donated £2 we would have £10. And if everyone you asked donated another £2 we would reach the £50 goal in no time. The BL FAMILY is not a name I take lightly, I am extremely proud of being a member of it. And I know that when we band together we can do this and help those who need it.
So how can you help?
· Buy tickets for our events. RAG events will be held as often as possible during this year, and we always donate 100% of profits to charity. Even if you can’t come to the event, let me know and we can use your ticket money as a donation!
· Follow/like us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to keep up to date with the events we’re hosting, as well as learning about the amazing charities we are helping this year.
· Join RAG committee. If you want to help me with the actual organisation of our events, keep an eye out as we will be holding a recruitment drive soon.
· Keep talking about RAG! Tell all your friends and flatmates about RAG. Make them aware of the struggles of the third sector.
· Don’t be disheartened by the situation we’re in. It’s going to be hard, but we’re not going anywhere – if a global pandemic hasn’t stopped RAG yet, you can be assured that very little will!
Wishing you all the best,
Your 2020/20+1 RAG Officer,
Numa 😊