What is The Welfare Zone? — BLSA

What is the WELFARE Zone?

The Welfare Zone is responsible for the wellbeing and support of the students here at BL.

The Welfare Zone is led by our Welfare Officer (Ravleena Wasan) and consists of 8 BL representatives, and one cross campus (QMBL) representative.

Feel free to contact our welfare representatives whether it be to discuss issues directly affecting you or your ideas and suggestions to improve student welfare.



Ravleena Wasan
Welfare Officer

email: welfare@bartslondon.com

Ravleena will oversee the Welfare Zone.


Saman Ali & Naz Ismail
Women’s Representative

email: womens@bartslondon.com

Role: Represents the interests of female BL students on the issues they face, gathering feedback and campaigning for change.

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Bishoy Daoud Yassa
Bame Representative

email: bame@bartslondon.com

Role: Represents the interests of BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) students on issues they face, by collecting feedback and working to achieve improvements for them at Barts and The London.


Venya Binwani & Al Hassan Salaman
International Representatives

email: international@bartslondon.com

Role: Represents international students on issues they face,
by collecting feedback and working to achieve improvements for them at
Barts and The London.


Lucy Lai & Arianne Jones
LGBT+ Representatives

email: lgbt@bartslondon.com

Role: Represents students part of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender + community on issues they face, by collecting feedback and working to achieve improvements for them at
Barts and The London.


Adam Khan
QM/BL Trans Representative

email: trans-rep@qmul.org

Role: Gathers feedback from and represents the interests of transgender students on the issues they face.