What is the Activities Zone?

The Activities Zone is responsible for all the activities we have on offer here at BL, including sports, societies and volunteering opportunities.

The Education Zone is led by our Vice President London (Jumainah Fardaus Rahman) and consists of a group of officers who provide and represent sports, societies, RAG or volunteering opportunities at BL.



Jumainah Fardaus Rahman
Vice-President London

email: vplondon@bartslondon.com

As well her role as Vice-President London (where she assists our BLSA President, Rahma), Jumainah will also oversee the Activities Zone.


Gustavo Loback
Societies Officer

email: societies@bartslondon.com

Role: Represents the interests of BL societies and student groups and be the voice of Barts and The London society members.

Click this button
to find out more about societies at BL:


Harry Collier-Smith
Sports Officer

email: sports@bartslondon.com

Role: Represents the interests of BL sports clubs and student groups and be the voice of Barts and The London sports club members.

Click this button
to find out more about sports at BL:


Marina Chan
RAG Officer

email: rag@bartslondon.com

Role: Works to create a positive charitable influence
on campus for RAG (Raise and Give)

Click this button
to find out more about RAG at BL:


Nabila Noor
Volunteering Officer

email: volunteering@bartslondon.com

Role: Voices student volunteering interests while developing the volunteering service and answering inquiries

Click this button
to find out more about volunteering at BL: