Recruitment for Project

Contact if interested.

Medical Students needed to take part in my project looking at how failure in medical education affects students. This study is being done to give students the chance to communicate their stories of struggles from their viewpoint. I believe it is important to help normalise and to reduce the stigma around failure at medical school.

The students who want to take part will be invited to an informal interview which will last for 30 - 45 mins. The interview will be conducted by myself. Please be aware this study is focusing on failure in medical education and not patient care. Prior to the interview, participants will be asked to produce a timeline mapping out failures in education they have experienced. All personal information from the interview transcript and timeline will be removed and all recording destroyed.  

If you feel you that you have a story of failure in medical education that you would like to share, please participate in this study. Interview will most likely happen between 25-29th March. The deadline for responses is the  27th March. 

If this topic has affected you in any way please contact support that is available.

Student Support Office:

Room 2.46, Garrod Building

QM Advice and Counselling Service: +44 (0)20 7882 8717