Survey on Nutrition Teaching in Medicine

Dear Barts Students,

One of the largest issues facing the national health sector today is the rise of malnutrition based morbidities, most commonly obesity and diabetes.  In 2013, approximately 3.2 million people were diagnosed with diabetes in the UK alone. Obesity in the UK has increased from 15% in 1997 to 27% in 2015. The responsibility of correctly advising patients is primarily that of medical doctors and healthcare professionals. However, as medical students and doctors, we have identified that nutritional based teaching is lacking in the medical course.
For this reason, we are undertaking a research project with the aim of assessing what the level of nutritional based knowledge held by medical students is in London universities.
Below is a link to a short questionnaire which contains some questions aimed at assessing how much you know about nutrition.  We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete it. All the data is anonymised with only researchers involved in the study having access to the results.

This study is intended to be completed by medical students second year and above only