Dear student,
We would like to invite you to take part in a short online survey looking into the degree of surgical and academic surgery integration in our current MBBS curriculum, with the goal of potentially improving our current teaching. This survey will also aim to explore student interest and engagement with academic research, and of the ways in which we can make research more accessible to students!
This survey will take only a few minutes to complete, and will involve answering questions relating to a variety of simple surgical clinical scenarios, as well as to the individual’s current interests and engagement with research. All responses will be confidential and stored in a password protected electronic format online. Information regarding student names will not be collected.
The feedback you provide will be extremely valuable to us, and as a thank you for completing our survey, you will have the chance to be entered into aprize draw to win a 1x £10 amazon voucher!!
To take part in this survey, please click the link below:
Complete the survey!
Thank you.