We Are BL — BLSA

 Help US fight back against the rebranding and erasure of Barts and The London history, heritage and community by QMUL Leadership

Phase 1

1. Sign the petition

Please read and sign the petition if you agree with what we’re trying to do with this campaign. It’s super easy and you can leave a comment to let QMUL know exactly what you think of this decision

2. Share with friends and family

We need to your support to show the strength and size of opposition to these changes, so please share this petition to reach as many people as you can!

3. ALumni support

We think it’s important that we remain connected with our passionate community of alumni and others engaged with Barts and The London. If you want to stay informed on this campaign and events we may organise please join our mailing list on the button below



QM Statement 31/01 in The Telegraph

A strong coherent identity, following the merger in 1995, is vital to enable us to operate seamlessly as one organisation, and to underpin strong collaborative working with others to achieve shared goals.”

“We have made considerable progress in consolidating and strengthening our clear identity as a leading Russell Group University over the last few years, and are now exploring avenues in order to complete this work to ensure no possible confusion for students, partners and the public.

WeAreBL Response 01/02

Firstly, we are disappointed to see that QMUL leadership decided to make their first statement, in response to our campaign, to the media rather than to the thousands of students, staff, alumni and allies who signed our petition. It is laughable that a newspaper is more entitled to a response regarding our own school than we, the students. It demonstrates a continuation of the blatant lack of respect that QMUL leadership have for the over 8000 people who have raised legitimate concerns over the decision to rebrand this historic institution; despite promoting ‘working with others’, they fail to be able to work with their own students and alumni.

The vast majority of the QMUL statement is sadly meaningless PR talk that avoids discussing any of the valid concerns that have been raised so strongly by members of the community it claims to value. QMUL mentions building a ‘strong coherent identity’ being crucial to ‘enable us to operate seamlessly as one organisation’, and yet it’s failure to communicate with some of its most engaged members makes it clear that this will be a soulless identity, devoid of the heritage Barts and The London has gained over hundreds of years.

We are not alone in having a strong sub-brand within a larger brand, as is evidenced in academic institutions across the world, such as the colleges of Oxford or Cambridge, The Francis Crick Institute or Wharton Business School, all of which operate seamlessly as part of a larger institution. What will create confusion however, is the erasure of the established Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry name, to one - QMUL Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry - that will require 899 years of advancements and contributions to society to come close to carrying the same weight in the healthcare community. This decision simply makes no sense, and at this point it is becoming clear that QMUL leadership does not have the best interests of students, staff and alumni in mind. 


Doing your part

We need you, as engaged members of the BL community, to help spread word about the petition as far and wide as possible. As part of this, we’re releasing these posters for you to put up wherever you think students, alumni, staff or allies will be most likely to engage and sign the petition!

Things to consider:

  • Location, Location, Location - Good targets for posters include places like Charterhouse Square, Halls of Residences, Doctors Messes in Hospitals - anywhere you think will reach the right people!

  • Make sure they’re visible - Place posters in prominent positions, but please ask permission if appropriate.

  • Maximise coverage - Don’t put posters too close to each other so the message is as spread out as possible.

  • Don’t get in trouble - Remember these posters represent our campaign so make sure you don’t put posters somewhere you shouldn’t or damage any walls!



So, you’ve signed the petition, shared to your friends and family, what next?

Well good news, the National Student Survey (NSS) opens 27th January. This is your chance to give honest feedback about QMUL, feedback that will be read by senior management. The results are also widely published around university league tables, and high student satisfaction is an objective measure that can track a university’s performance over time. We want to ensure that changes put in place without student consultation have not gone unnoticed, this is our chance to make our voices heard.

Particularly relevant in these discussions are the later sections on student voice and communities, and if the recent branding changes have affected you, we urge you to use this opportunity to communicate why the BL identity is so important to you.