We know that the current circumstances are tough and some of you may be feeling isolated. Lockdown and extended periods of not being able to see friends and family can be disheartening. Self-isolation is also tough and presents a variety of challenges for people, from boredom to loneliness to exacerbation of existing health problems, but unfortunately it’s a vital part of the public health response to Covid-19.
To make this lockdown and any self-isolation a little bit easier, we’ve compiled a guide of support services and activities below.
Remember, if you are in immediate danger you should contact emergency services on 999.
For more information about Coronavirus and the University’s Covid Code, click the buttons below.
If a student develops Covid-19 symptoms they must alert Student Life via
We also recommend you contact your relevant course administrator, head of year or module lead to notify them of your absence and so they can support your academic needs.
Below are some fun activities for you to do independently or online with your household, friends or Mummies and Daddies family. Many of these activities can be done from home so are suitable for those self-isolating too (but some require leaving the home so are not suitable for self-isolators). You must ensure you adhere to national, local and other relevant restrictions when undertaking any activities.
You can also engage in some of our scheduled regular events we have to offer you
Check out a welfare-esque talk by Steve McDermott about the five building blocks of failure!